Determination of Calcium in Baotou Iron Ores and Its Slagsby AAS with Air-Acetylene Flame
摘要: 研究了空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收测定包头铁矿及其冶炼渣中钙时的干扰及其消除方法。采用混酸(硝酸+氢氟酸+硫酸;硝酸+盐酸+氢氟酸+磷酸+硫酸)分解和抗坏血酸与La3+(或+Nb(V))联合消干扰剂,有效地消除了共存组分的干扰,建立了操作方便、结果可靠的分析方法。Abstract: calcium in Baotou iron ores and its slags by AAS with air-acetylene flame,interferences and its eliminated method were investigated. The samples can be decomposed by composited acids, and interferences of coexist components can be effectively eliminated using the composited inhibitors of interferences (ascorbic acid +lanthanum +niobium). The simple method for determination of calcium was established with satisfactory results.