
Structure-Property Relationships in a Heat-Treated Weldable Steel

  • 摘要: 研究了一种Cr-Ni-Mo-V-Ti-B多元合金化、强度高于785MPa的可焊结构钢(HQ80C)淬火态和400~700℃回火态显微组织与拉伸性能及冲击性能之间的定量关系。发现钢的韧脆转化温度(50%FATT)与马氏体板条束截线长度呈线性相关;建立了调质态钢的屈服强度计算公式。回火温度范围为500~700℃时理论计算值与实测值相对偏差均小于3%。


    Abstract: A785MPa-grade weldable HSLA steel (HQ80C) with Cr, Ni, Mo, V, Ti, and B has been experimentally studied to determine quantitative relationships between properties (strength and toughness) and microstructures. It has been found that the ductile-brittle transition temperature (50%FATT) varies linearly with the mean intercept of martensitic packets. An empiric equation has been established to predict the yield strength of the as quenched and tempered steel; the relative deviation of the predicted yield strength values from the experimental ones are all less than 3% when the steel was tempred at 500 to 700℃.


