
The Program System for Computer Aided Rollpass Design of Round Bar

  • 摘要: 本文介绍在M-150电子计算机和IBM-PC/XT微型机上建立的圆钢计算机辅助孔型设计程序系统。详细介绍了该程序系统的特点及构成,各模块的功能及模块功能的实现。同时给出了该程序系统中使用的计算宽展、屈服应力、轧制力、力矩及轧制温度的模型。


    Abstract: In this paper we present the Program System for Computer Aided Rollpass Design of round bar on Computer HITAC M-150 and IBM-PC/XT, The feature and structure of the Program System, each module's function and its realization are discussed in detail. At the same time presents the model for calculating the spread,flowstress,rolling force, moment and rolling temperature.


